Stavanger University Hospital

Stavanger Universitetssjukehus (Stavanger University Hospital) in Stavanger, Norway, is Norway's fourth largest hospital.

The hospital has more than 7000 employees and caters for a population of 300,000. It serves as the local hospital from the municipality of Hjelmeland in the north to the municipality of Sokndal in the south, a nd it is the central hospital of Rogaland county. SUS’ budget is approximately 4,7 billion kroner. The general catchment area of the hospital is approximately 200.000 m2.

Research programs

The main purpose for the research activity at Stavanger University Hospital is to improve patient treatment. One of the objectives in the strategic plan for research is that Stavanger University Hospital shall consolidate and develop its position as University Hospital. Research is an integral part of the hospital's departments and shall be at a high international level.[1] Through cooperation with regional participants we attempt to ensure that the research results with commercial potential reach the market. SUS has entered into a partnership with MD Anderson Cancer Center i Houston. The hospital also cooperates with Stavanger Helseforskning and Hjertelaget Research Foundation who both performs and administrates clinical research.


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